ASEAN Working Group on Water Resources Management

ASEAN Water Data Management and Reporting System

Project Background

The ASEAN Strategic Plan of Action on Water Resources Management (ASPA-WRM) was initiated by the ASEAN Working Group on Water Resource Management. The plan was developed based on the following inputs :

  • The design and circulation to each ASEAN Member Country
  • Independent collection and collation of water data , which together
  • A workshop attend by ASEAN Member Countries in Bangkok


To provide an expendanble framework for ASEAN regional river monitoring system that would allow ASEAN to commernce assesing the status and broad trends relaing to overall condition and water quality of river across the region by :

  • Design a limited, agreed and affordable programme that requires national water management agencies to measure, assess and report on aregular basis
  • Making full use of existing monitoring programmes (to maximize cost effectiveness)
  • Maximizing national consistency in monitoring related to water quality and rivers management
  • Building the initial programme in a way that is capable of future expansion

Data Supply

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